Sunday, July 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Lance!

I would like to take this opportunity to wish my brother a Happy Birthday. Lo these many years ago he was born. I personally do not remember it since I wasn't born yet. I came along a few years later.

I can remember a lot of things that my brother helped me with since he is my big brother. He always helped me clean up our bedroom. When he cleaned he put away all of his things and put everything else on my bed. Thanks for the help Lance.

I admired him a lot also. I always liked doing things with him. I remember the time that he and his friend Don decided to go down the "creek" to where the interstate highway was being built. They told me not to follow or go with them. I didn't listen. I followed and always stayed a healthy distance away in case I had to run away quickly. I had a lot of fun that day. My big prize was a gigantic lump of clay that was dug up at the construction site.

My brother also taught me how to take apart Black Cat Firecrackers and repacking it to make a small explosive. We did this a lot and had a lot of fun doing it. The neighbors didn't like it though.

I had a lot of fun with my brother when we were younger. I think he had a lot of fun too. Mainly because I would believe anything he said. After all he was my big brother. I remember the time that he told me about the part of the stove top where the pilot lights were. He said that even though there was small flames under there, it still wasn't hot. He said it was safe to touch. I believed him. I shouldn't have that time.


PS, Could you please send me your e-mail addresses? I lost them all when I replaced the hard drive a while back.

© 2008 Barry T Horst

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