I woke up yesterday morning expecting to witness the outside edges wrath of Hurricane Ike. You know, the wind and rain thing.
I looked out the window. Just breezy; no rain.
So I sit at the computer and do a few things. I downloaded the AVS Video Editor from "Giveaway of the Day" and then paid some bills. Isn't sad how all of these businesses hound you to visit their stores and get their merchandise. Then when you finally do it, they start bugging you for money.
Since the weather wasn't too bad I decided to go to HEB and buy groceries. Apparently Ike was on the doorstep getting ready to knock. I stepped out and the wind picked up and it was starting to sprinkle. I got in the truck and headed off to the store. By the time I got to HEB the wind was blowing pretty good. It blew my truck door closed before I could jump out. Fortunately, my foot was still safely inside the truck. The rain had picked up but I was destined to shop.
I finished at HEB and decided to head to Sam's. By now we were feeling the full wrath and fury of Ike. Okay, it wasn't really "wrath and fury" it was more like "wind and rain". It never seemed like much rain though. There was a lot of wind though. On the way to Sam's I would sit at red lights and the truck would rock back and forth. That's an awkward feeling when you drive a Chevy Silverado. Anyway, by the time I got to Sam's the rain was coming down pretty hard. I don't know if it was a lot of rain or just rain driven by the strong winds. Yeah, I know. It was both.
By now it was 11:30 AM. Now I'm glad Baylor played on Friday night.
On the way home on IH 35 there was a semi that lost control and had driven up on the concrete center median thingy. His front wheels were hanging over the top. Sort of like a puppy that was standing on it's hind legs by small fence or something of the like. Only this was a "BIG PUPPY". The DPS troopers were furiously trying to get there but had a tough time because all the traffic behind the truck was a dead stop.
It turned out to be lousy weather. But it was a great time to go shopping. No traffic and hardly any customers in the stores. The sample ladies at Sam's were hoping they could go home early since they weren't busy.
I got home and checked the mail. There was a letter from Citi Bank or some such place telling me they had $5000.00 to give me. I shredded the thing. It would be just my luck that once they gave me the money they would turn right around and start wanting it back. I also got catalogue from an outfit called Stafford's in Thomasville, Georgia. I don't know why I got it. I flipped through and found a Leather Flyswatter for $55.00. Now that's what I need because that $1.00 Wal-Mart model just ain't cuttin' it.
Geez, these people must think I have money tree. I've got news for them. Ike blew all the leaves off.
© 2008 Barry T Horst
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.