At the end of school teachers generally have to "disassemble" their classrooms and put things away. One never can tell what might happen to things, especially if your room ends up being used for summer school or workshops.
This week I had to rearrange the tables in my room because they were used for training in another room. The tables that were returned to my room were not mine. They were the wrong size and had to be adjusted for my little ones. It actually worked out for the best though. I now have tables that are a uniform size and allows me more flexibility in arrangement. I also got an extra table and ended up making a listening center.
In addition to the extra time at school I have been having to get my materials ready. And yes, for a kindergarten teacher that means a lot of coloring, cutting, and laminating; and then more cutting. After all of this then I have to go back to school and put away, arrange some more, decorate the room, and generally try to get as much done as possible.....Because, Meet the Teacher Night is on August 19th. That's right, the second day back. So that means that I will need to get my roster as quick as I can (normally the Thursday or Friday before we report for work) so that I can prepare for the parent's.
And so begins another race that lasts for 36 weeks; some long some short, but all of them fulfilling.

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