In fact it did.
We all had strict instructions for cleaning the cabins and packing up BEFORE breakfast. We had to have all of our earthly possessions, at least those we had at that point in time, at the camp office ready to go on the bus before breakfast. So that is what we did, down to a man....errr...camper. After completing that little requirement we waited for breakfast.
And waited.....and waited.....and waited. We all made good use of this wait time. Some of us played tether ball. Some of us kept the picnic tables from floating far off into intergalactic space. Others talked and visited with fellow campers. After all, it had been some time since we had all seen each other.
Finally, the wait was over.
Was it worth it?
I should say so. Breakfast on the last day was scrambled eggs, bacon, biscuits, butter, gravy, juice, and oatmeal.
After breakfast it was time for "Airborne" and the falcon and hawk. The falcon is in the picture above. And just below here is the hawk.
The camp counselors showed the kids the birds and explained many things about them. In fact they explained so much and I was so involved with the pictures that I don't remember all of the facts. I suppose that I will need to get with my 5th graders and let them explain it all to me again.
The camp counselor/bird trainer selected a couple of students to let the hawk fly to and land on their arm. You can see that this one lucky participant was a little overly excited when the hawk flew to her.
Above the kids were able to pet the falcon on the back. You can see the radio locater on the falcon's back. That is just in case the bird decides to take a leisurely trip around the countryside instead of returning back to the trainers arm.
Alas, as they say, all good things must come to an end. And so did our trip to Pine Cove. We all lined up on the bridge for a farewell snap. Then we all headed to the buses.
See!! I told you we headed to the buses. We loaded up and began our trip back to Waco. Wait just one little minute here! Now I know why breakfast was so good. The camp was getting rid of us just before lunch time and we were heading straight to Waco....No stops scheduled, no lunch. BUMMER!!! As luck...or fate...or something would have it, the return trip would take us through Corsicana; home to the Collin Street Bakery and a Russell Stover Candy Outlet. Now if only we could stop off at the candy outlet! On second thought, can you imagine what it would be like to turn loose 40+ 5th graders in a candy outlet after a 3 day camping trip "sans" candy? I guess not!
Maybe the bakery perhaps???
Close! We pulled into the HEB across the street from the bakery and bought a few snacks for the little tykes to enjoy on their way home.
After arriving at school it was time to call parents. It was soon learned that when all the students were picked up the teachers could go. So.....being the resourceful teacher that I am...."Does anyone need to use my cell phone to call their parents?"
Remember me mentioning in Pine Cove Trip: Installment #2 about the less than stellar trip for the "other" bus. Well, that was our bus on the way back; no DVD player, just the radio for the ride back.
During this entire time I never mentioned the other 5th grade teacher, who is also a great teacher in her own right. Mrs. Mayberry, whom I understand is beloved by her students just as much as Ms. Steele, if not more, was the other able and intrepid 5th grade teacher. It was through her kind heart and limitless bank account that her bus was treated to honey buns for the trip up. And as an act of generosity she discreetly misplaced the receipt for the honey buns so as not to appear that she cared more for the large dent made in her finances than her students welfare.
Way to go Mrs. Mayberry. That was a true act of selflessness and I commend you for it.
3rd Post Script:
Also in attendance were the indispensable Mr. Clayton, Ms. Love, and Coach Renfro. Mr. Clayton is our campus PCL. Mr. Clayton can always be depended upon to help out on a field trip or whenever needed. Our Assistant Principal, Ms. Love, helped out with the girls. She also shot some mean basketball during the free time. I personally saw her sink one 3 pointer from mid-court. And finally, Coach Renfro from University High helped with the final group of boys. Without all of these people the trip would not have been possible.

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