Gee! It all sounds too good to be true.
It is too good to be true! I made it all up. I don't have a publisher and I haven't written any books. Besides, I think the whole boy and his dog and their adventures thing has been done before. I think maybe it was Lassie.
Oh well, it's nice to dream.
I did get coupons in the mail from Shipley's Donuts though! Free donuts. Can't beat that. I won't be using them. I don't eat donuts. Too much sugar you know. There was a Wal-Mart ad, a couple of magazines, and the usual lot of waste basket filler.
Oh by the way, one day I might just write a story and I might just get a letter from my publisher and I might just get a big check and I might just go on the morning TV shows. Well, I might!!
© 2008 Barry T Horst

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