For those that don't know it, I like cats. Maybe I should say, "We like cats."
Let me tell you a few things about our cats. First, we have too many. How many are too many and why do I say that we have too many?
Let me answer the last half of that question. Or better yet, let me tell you HOW you know that you have too many cats. When your wife (Chris in this case.) puts the electric blanket on the bed because it is getting cold and she turns it on and there is no room on the king size bed for you because the cats are there keeping warm, you have too many cats. Also, when your wife changes the sheets and can't get finished because the cats think she is playing the greatest game on earth with them, you have too many cats. That being said, I will let you do some work and figure out how many cats we have.
There is Peanut. When we got her, the kids wanted to name her Skippy. I didn't like Skippy. For some reason the name reminded me of a peanut butter brand. I called her Peanut until the name stuck. Then there is Tabby. What can I say? Tabby is a tabby. We got these two after a festival in East Texas. They were in a petting zoo and we heard that when the festival was over the fellow running the petting zoo was going to "dispose" of them. What can I say. They came home with us. We also have Callie. Yep, she is a calico. My son, Scott found her behind an air conditioner at his high school. These are the oldest of our cats. Some time later we acquired Boo-Boo. I stopped at a convenience store to get Chris a Dr Pepper and heard a kitten meowing and saw this little fluff ball. After some effort we were able to rescue him. Once in the van, we noticed a funny smell. He smelled of paint thinner or something of that nature. On the way home we began to notice another smell, but I won't go there. Needless to say, he got a good scrubbing when we got home, as did the van. Now our little fluff ball is the largest of all of our beloved critters. These four have been in the family at least 10 years now.
Believe it or not, I am not through with the cats. Approximately four years ago I was blessed with Mr. Puss. He was a birthday gift from my daughter, Julie. As with most of our pets, the name changed a few times. He started out as Mr. Kitty. Then our grandson, Jace started calling him Puss-Puss. I later refined the name to Mr. Puss. Wow! Five cats! Now that is a lot.
Let me tell you a few things about our cats. First, we have too many. How many are too many and why do I say that we have too many?
Let me answer the last half of that question. Or better yet, let me tell you HOW you know that you have too many cats. When your wife (Chris in this case.) puts the electric blanket on the bed because it is getting cold and she turns it on and there is no room on the king size bed for you because the cats are there keeping warm, you have too many cats. Also, when your wife changes the sheets and can't get finished because the cats think she is playing the greatest game on earth with them, you have too many cats. That being said, I will let you do some work and figure out how many cats we have.
There is Peanut. When we got her, the kids wanted to name her Skippy. I didn't like Skippy. For some reason the name reminded me of a peanut butter brand. I called her Peanut until the name stuck. Then there is Tabby. What can I say? Tabby is a tabby. We got these two after a festival in East Texas. They were in a petting zoo and we heard that when the festival was over the fellow running the petting zoo was going to "dispose" of them. What can I say. They came home with us. We also have Callie. Yep, she is a calico. My son, Scott found her behind an air conditioner at his high school. These are the oldest of our cats. Some time later we acquired Boo-Boo. I stopped at a convenience store to get Chris a Dr Pepper and heard a kitten meowing and saw this little fluff ball. After some effort we were able to rescue him. Once in the van, we noticed a funny smell. He smelled of paint thinner or something of that nature. On the way home we began to notice another smell, but I won't go there. Needless to say, he got a good scrubbing when we got home, as did the van. Now our little fluff ball is the largest of all of our beloved critters. These four have been in the family at least 10 years now.
Believe it or not, I am not through with the cats. Approximately four years ago I was blessed with Mr. Puss. He was a birthday gift from my daughter, Julie. As with most of our pets, the name changed a few times. He started out as Mr. Kitty. Then our grandson, Jace started calling him Puss-Puss. I later refined the name to Mr. Puss. Wow! Five cats! Now that is a lot.
This is Mr. Puss supervising the latest blog posting.
Nope, still not through. Last summer, Julie just absolutely had to have a kitten of her own. After all, five is not enough. She researched the subject extensively on the Internet. She settled on a kitten from a kennel(?) that was 80 some odd miles away (Guess who had to drive her there?) and required real cash to get the little bugger. We got the kitten and went home and the little thing got sick and had to be nursed back to health. Julie did a great job with her on that note. Her name is Rory (short for Aurora).
If you counted correctly you should have counted six cats. (Even if you didn't count it is still six cats!) That is quite a few, but we love them all. In later postings I will tell you about their antics and let you see them all.
Guess who just had to have a kitten all their own? Yep, as of yesterday Julie is the proud Momma of Bristow, a gray Tabby kitten.
You're right. That is seven. Oh yes, Julie has assured me that she will take care of Bristow and all expenses that she incurs.
TOMORROW: Preparations for the holidays; lights, decorations, and such.
Nope, still not through. Last summer, Julie just absolutely had to have a kitten of her own. After all, five is not enough. She researched the subject extensively on the Internet. She settled on a kitten from a kennel(?) that was 80 some odd miles away (Guess who had to drive her there?) and required real cash to get the little bugger. We got the kitten and went home and the little thing got sick and had to be nursed back to health. Julie did a great job with her on that note. Her name is Rory (short for Aurora).
If you counted correctly you should have counted six cats. (Even if you didn't count it is still six cats!) That is quite a few, but we love them all. In later postings I will tell you about their antics and let you see them all.
Guess who just had to have a kitten all their own? Yep, as of yesterday Julie is the proud Momma of Bristow, a gray Tabby kitten.
You're right. That is seven. Oh yes, Julie has assured me that she will take care of Bristow and all expenses that she incurs.
TOMORROW: Preparations for the holidays; lights, decorations, and such.
© 2007 Barry T Horst

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