I generally get up at 4:00 AM to Blog, then I get ready for work, and have breakfast. I arrive at work between 6:45 and 6:55 AM daily. Once at school my schedule is set by the school day. After school I return home; generally no later than 4:30 PM. I may run a few errands on the way home. I will do a few things around the house, do school work, etc. Bedtime is between 9:00 and 10:00 PM. Then we start all over again the next morning. Weekends are not very different. The only exception is I don't go to work. I will do small projects around the house and perhaps run some errands with Chris.
But the holidays!!! I am not sure how it happens or when it exactly occurs. It may be that in the way back, deep, dark recesses of my mind I think (Yes, I do think occasionally!); anyway, I think, "I don't have to go to work tomorrow. Maybe I will stay up a few minutes later!" Perhaps I unknowingly think that if I maybe sleep a few minutes longer the next morning I will catch up staying up later! Who knows?
All I know is that it doesn't work. It just gets worse and worse. Presently, I seem to be going to bed around midnight and getting up at 6:00 AM and having a short nap thrown into the mix during the mid-afternoon. By my calculations, if I return to work on January 7, 2008 I should be going to bed around 3:00 AM. Something has got to change before then. It will. As usual, I will start a few days before the holidays end and will force myself back to bed "early" so I can start rising on time at 4:00 AM. Ahhh!! It will be nice to get back into the normal routine.
I will be on time for school and life will be grand. Until, Spring Break. And don't even get me started on Summer. Summer really throws a monkey wrench into the mix.
Before I leave today, I wanted to mention a web-site. I have been helping a friend develop her website. The web-site is for The Cedar Chest Antique Mall. I would appreciate it if you could visit the website and give it a look. I have also added a link to the web-site under My Favorite Links on the sidebar of the Blog. See it? It's right there, on the left hand side.
© 2007 Barry T Horst

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