Saturday, February 16, 2008

Life In The Fast Lane With Bristow

I woke up early today. We were planning to go to Ryan's this morning for breakfast and I didn't want to miss it. There were supposed to be bad storms rolling through this morning also. I don't really remember anything other than a few flashes of lightning and crashes of thunder. Chris was showing me the weather and she said that there are supposed to be a lot of storms still. The weather shows 100% chance for rain today.

While I was up I started looking at some You Tube videos. I found this one that fits Julie's new cat, Bristow. It's called the "Mean Cat Video". I hope you enjoy it. I did, even though the music is rap.

A reminder from your friendly moderator: I now have You Tube links on the bottom of my blog page. You can scroll on down and view some videos. I've tried to make sure the videos that are linked to my blog are, shall we say, appropriate. I apologize if something less than tasteful slips through.

© 2008 Barry T Horst

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