She found a lot of stuff to get rid of. She asked if she could "load up the truck and move to Beverly.........." . Wait, it wasn't Beverly Hills; it was the Salvation Army. So we headed out to start loading. She went before me and dropped the tailgate......and there it went. The alarm on the truck was certainly working yesterday. I turned it off and we continued to load. As soon as this task was completed we headed off to the local Salvation Army.
It's surprising how high this old stuff can bounce in the truck bed when you hit a dip on the interstate going 65 mph.
On the way we got a phone call. It was one of Julie's coworkers. The told us Julie had passed out/had a seizure while at work. Chris told them we were on our way now and would check on her. By the time we got to the Dwyer Group she was better but had a headache. It seems that she tends to bump her head on the way when this happens.
She is doing better now and plans to go to work today but Chris will take her. Chris drove Julie home in Julie's car. I drove the truck home and stopped at the Salvation Army to unload. As I was unloading I heard a train going through town on the tracks on Mary Street. While I was at the Salvation Army I kept hearing a clanging sound. I looked behind the donation boxes and there was a fellow in the back yard area playing horseshoes. He was by himself and was having a good time. I don't know who won.
By the time I finished and finally got home Chris told that she and Julie just got home too. I asked why. She said she was stopped by a long train going through town. Imagine that!
© 2008 Barry T Horst

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