The two notes below represent the coal mining in the area and the bulk power plant. Obviously the plant used the abundant coal for the production of electricity.
In picture below (Bild 3) we see the production of current, most likely within the bulk power plant above. Next you see the note representing High Voltage Carriers or the power lines. The train lines probably represent the coal trains bringing the coal to the plant to make the electricity for the power lines to take to the good German people of the area.
Looks like industry used the power also. Picture 5 shows us Electro-Chemistry. Looks like fun. The final picture is of a locomotive and an electric train, most probably used for taking goods to market.
It is interesting to note the two lower corners of the notes. The lower left hand corner looks like fire, perhaps from coal. The lower right hand corner is lightning bolts representing electricity.
Also, below each picture on the notes themselves, there is an explanation of each picture which would be good to read if I could read German.

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