The trip was great on our bus. (We took two buses.) The riders on the other bus had a less than stellar experience. Apparently enough breakfast was not brought or it was misplaced, or something cosmic happened to it. By the time we had traveled about 35 miles their bus stopped at a convenience store to get some muffins or honey buns for the kids on their bus. As if that was not enough, the DVD player on the bus didn't work.
That stinks!!
The first picture (above)was taken on our bus as we were traveling to Pine Cove.
After arriving at Pine Cove we unloaded and took our things to our cabins. Afterwards, we all gathered at the dining hall and waited for lunch. Lunch was good. We had sandwiches, chips, and the other obligatory fixins'. After lunch, the kids went to the gym for their orientation and the teachers/chaperons stayed in the dining hall for our orientation.
My assigned group's 1st Instructional Period was Team Building. Here they learned how to work with others in a group to solve a problem or complete a task. It was really interesting to see the natural leaders in the group come forward.The first picture above shows the group receiving their instructions. The next picture shows the group working together to find out how fast the can pass the black ball through 12 pairs of hands in the least amount of time.
Believe it or not they got it down to approximately 1 second.
A tiny frog. A really tiny frog! Pretty self explanatory isn't it?
Ahhh! The Zip Lines, our 2nd Instructional Period of the 1st day. What better way for a 5th grader to overcome fears and build up confidence than to hook up to a wire and take a step off into space? The kids were excited to get here and take the plunge; but first we had the mandatory safety lessons and other instructions.
Once the instructions were over the first set of boys trekked up the stairs and hooked up. Then, hesitated and paused and finally took that leap and sailed down the line none the worse for wear.
While the boys were working on top of the tower I took some of the girls to the pier to pick up their equipment. While there I saw a step and explained to them that if they did not look down before they jumped then they wouldn't be as afraid. Also, when it was time to jump they should simply step off just like they were stepping off the pier where were standing. Some of the girls came to me later and said they did this and that it was easier for them.
Way to go Barry!
© 2009 Barry T Horst

This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
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