I have found an interesting group of notes today. The first note is from Wyk auf Fohr. It is the first note that I am aware of that indicates that it is a "certificate" valued at 1 Mark. I think that it says it is good at "Altdeutschen Keller", the Old German Cellar. I don't know if this was a local business or something else though.

The next four notes all indicate that they are "Gutschein" or vouchers. The first two are from Nordhausen; a 50 Pfennig and a 25 Pfennig examples.

The other two examples I have are also vouchers from Gemeinde Wittgensdorf. Again I have a 50 Pfennig and 25 Pfennig example. Click here to see a different 25 Pfennig note from the Community of Wittgensdorf.

Whenever I look through my collection I always feel like a kid that can't read looking at all the books in a library wondering what is in all of the books. I know there are untold stories on each individual note and yet many times I can't unlock them. I struggle with the font used on many of them, the printing quality, and of course the language. Through time I have picked up some of the language. Most of the time I use online translators as well as online resources that for history research. But I am always stymied when I can't read the font. Sometimes I use "trial and error" or just plain guessing and I get lucky and can translate and start to get the story. Sometimes not.

The next four notes all indicate that they are "Gutschein" or vouchers. The first two are from Nordhausen; a 50 Pfennig and a 25 Pfennig examples.

The other two examples I have are also vouchers from Gemeinde Wittgensdorf. Again I have a 50 Pfennig and 25 Pfennig example. Click here to see a different 25 Pfennig note from the Community of Wittgensdorf.

Whenever I look through my collection I always feel like a kid that can't read looking at all the books in a library wondering what is in all of the books. I know there are untold stories on each individual note and yet many times I can't unlock them. I struggle with the font used on many of them, the printing quality, and of course the language. Through time I have picked up some of the language. Most of the time I use online translators as well as online resources that for history research. But I am always stymied when I can't read the font. Sometimes I use "trial and error" or just plain guessing and I get lucky and can translate and start to get the story. Sometimes not.
© 2009 Barry T Horst

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