What is it with dust? It is everywhere. Don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining about the house being messy. Chris does an excellent job with the house.
What I'm talking about are the out of the way places that you normally don't think about. Like my desk. Like behind all the computer stuff on my desk. I was cleaning off my desk the other day and I can tell you that if there was a global market for dust, I would have surely cornered it. There was dust covering the cables, the external hard drives, the USB ports, mouse docks, cable modem, back of the monitor, and so on. Admittedly, this was not 100% Texas dust. Some of it was probably blown in from the western US, or even Mexico. There was also a good amount of hair from the cats. It seems that they have found a way to take their excess hair and place it in just such a way that it forms a nice even layer over all of my electronics.
Further inspection found the same layer covering my cpu and ups. Cleaning those kicked up a minor dust storm. The National Weather Service later issued a Dense Fog Advisory for the area. I am convinced it was from me kicking up all that dust. The printer wasn't much better.
After thorough cleaning a liberal application of Old English Lemon Oil was applied to the desk. I was certain that I heard a barely audible, "Thank you!" I'm not sure if it was Chris or the desk.
Say! If any of you need any dust mixed with a liberal dose of cat fur, let me know. As of today I am starting a new batch and expect it to be ready in a month or two. Let me know soon. I am certain that there is going to be a limited supply available which makes it very valuable. I am thinking of seeing if I can get it listed on the Futures Market. I believe that this would be considered dust for March 28 delivery. I am even thinking of joining OCD, (Organization of Computer dust Distributors).
That's strange. OCD makes me think of something else. I'm not sure what. I'm sure it doesn't apply to me though.
It seems I was in my classroom at the beginning of school. I had to change classes and I was getting it ready. I looked on top of the projector screen and saw dust. That had to go. I cleaned it. The more I looked in the room I found dust, dust, and more dust. There were also old staples in the walls and cork tack strips. I had to take them all out. I don't like staples in the cork tack strips. If I have spare time I will go in the hall and take staples out that some teachers leave behind. AAARGH!! Maybe there is an opening for me at OCD. You know what that is I'm sure; The Organization of Cork-strip De-staplers.
Bye. I see more dust and staples to take care of.
© 2008 Barry T Horst
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
© 2008 Barry T Horst

This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.