Yesterday was my brother's birthday. In his honor I am including some pictures of him from days gone by. The first two pictures are of my sister Michal Ann, my brother Lance, and myself. I am the youngest. It is obvious who my brother and sister are. At least to me it is. Both pictures were taken in November 1958. I was 2 years old. My brother and sister are older.
The picture below was probably taken in the early 1960's. Lance is the tallest, my sister is next, and I am the shortest. I am still the youngest of the three even though I am now older than I was in the previous pictures.

You may wonder why I have the Lance Snacks logo and vending machine above. When our family went on vacations and had to stop for gas we kids would always want a snack. Often times there would be a Lance machine, rack, or jar at the station. Since my brother was older he would tell me that I couldn't have any of the crackers because they were his. Since I was the youngest, I would believe him. After all, his name is on them.

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