I know that she looks calm and relaxed in the picture, but she is not always that way. Sometimes she acts like she just got an injection of ultra-caffienated Starbuck's coffee. She darts and runs and jumps and knocks things over. Other times she is sweet and calm and reserved.
She likes to spend the day in the extra room lounging. The only problem is she lounges on of the shelves. In order to get there she has to knock down the Hungry, Hungry Hippos game. Boy is she proud when she gets it down and can stretch out. She also likes to stretch out on the very top shelf. The top shelf where I keep the laptop case. The top shelf where I keep the laptop case in order to keep the cats off of it; except her.
Rory also loves to drink water. The only problem is that she only drinks from the faucet. There are times that she rushes to the bathroom when someone goes in. She will then stand in the sink and look at you until you turn on the water for her. She also has her own ideas on how the bathroom counter should be decorated. If she doesn't want something on the counter she will knock it in the sink. If you try to take it out and return it to the proper place Rory returns and knocks back to the sink.
Now that it's summer and I tend to stay up later I always have a late night companion. Every night around 11:00 PM she'll find her way to my lap. She likes to curl up on my lap as I sit in the recliner watching movies. If I happen to be working on the laptop that's OK; she curls up anyway and I have to work around her.

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