While I was looking through the old pictures last night I came across an old program from 1932. I enjoyed looking at it and some of the advertising within. It is from the Colorado Springs area and was for a presentation of "The Wives of Henry the VIII".
On the inside cover there is an advertisement for concerts at the City Auditorium. Prices ranged from $.75 to $2.00. I imagine that $2.00 was quite a sum in 1932.

It seems that the Magic Maid below was the thing to have in 1932. It apparently did everything but take out the trash.

The Fuel Oil Distillate ad is enlightening also. Who wouldn't want to pay 6.5 cents per gallon of fuel oil these days. And how about meeting at the Antlers Coffee Shop later? I'll even spring for dinner. Just last night I saw an ad on TV for one of the chain eateries touting Dinner for 2 for $19.95 like that was a good deal. I don't think the coffee shop is still in business any more. I can't imagine why.

The Fuel Oil Distillate ad is enlightening also. Who wouldn't want to pay 6.5 cents per gallon of fuel oil these days. And how about meeting at the Antlers Coffee Shop later? I'll even spring for dinner. Just last night I saw an ad on TV for one of the chain eateries touting Dinner for 2 for $19.95 like that was a good deal. I don't think the coffee shop is still in business any more. I can't imagine why.
They still make Butter-Krust Bread but I bet it doesn't taste near as good now as it did in 1932. In 1932 they used butter in the recipe (That's how they got the name). They don't use butter anymore; at least not according to the Butter-Krust website.

© 2008 Barry T Horst
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