Chris has been concerned about her blood pressure lately. She made an appointment with the doctor for yesterday. While waiting in the examining room with her I looked at the magazines . I complained about the selection of magazines being lousy. Later I thought, "Why am I looking at these? Sick people have looked at these and picked them up and coughed and held them and sneezed and flipped through them. YUCK!!" I didn't pick up the magazines and look at them any more. I didn't complain about them either. I just sat and waited with Chris. Finally the doctor came in. He began to ask Chris why she was there. After relating her concerns about the blood pressure the doctor jots down some notes. He begins to take her vital signs and asks about family history. Among other things Chris said, "My grandfather sort of died from heart problems." I snickered and asked, "How do you sort of die?" I don't think the doctor said anything.
Continuing the examination the doctor began to look at Chris' hands. He asked why they were so dry. Chris explained that she washes them a lot. He began to to talk about the effect that soaps can have on skin and THEN, he asks Chris about obsessive-compulsive disorder. Chris and I look at each other. I giggle quietly to myself and think, "Gee doc, I hope you don't ask me about it. I'd hate to tell you some of the things I do!"
The doctor set up some other tests for Chris. One was a fasting blood test. That is what we went for this morning. While waiting in the lab area I overheard the lab tech talking with another patient. They were talking about birthdays and anniversaries. The lab tech said, "I remember my anniversary because it is on the same day as the birthday of my first girlfriend. That makes it easy to remember." OK! The other people in the waiting area heard this and we all looked at each other with puzzled looks. I just hope his first girlfriend is the wife he has now. I then looked at Chris and told her that I remember our anniversary because it is our anniversary.
© 2008 Barry T Horst

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