The above is a Christmas card that my parents made. I can remember my parents converting the kitchen into a dark room and cranking these things out each Christmas when I was in elementary school. I don't remember it after we moved to the house on Windsor. I'm not sure of the year but I know it was from the mid 1960's. My sister, Michal Ann is on the left. My brother, Lance is on the right. I am the happy chap in the middle.

This is another picture of Michal. This is probably when she was at Sam Houston State College. The college changed it's name to Sam Houston State University the year she graduated. Because of the name changed she received two diplomas; one with the name of each school on it. For more history on SHSU click here: SHSU HISTORY.

The pictures above are a few pictures from the mid 1980's. The picture on the left is Janna, Kari, and Meredith playing a game. Jana and Kari are the daughters of Lance and Pam Horst. Meredith is Michal's daughter. In the middle picture Meredith and Scott are sitting on my mother's lap. The picture on the right shows Meredith playing with Scott.

Here is a picture taken in Dickinson. I don't recall the occasion, but it was taken in the early to mid 1990's. Starting from the right we have Scott, Kari, Julie, Meredith, Janna, and my "Big Dogs" back. I don't know what that is on the left. Perhaps a UFO? Perhaps a thumb? I don't really know.

This is Jerry. I don't know who he is related to.
Actually, Jerry was a mannequin that my Mother picked up somewhere. Chris just told me that he came from a JC Penney that was remodeling. Maybe that explains the name, Jerry. She would sit it in her house and take it on trips in her car to make it look like she had someone in the car with her. No, not so she could drive in the HOV lane. After my father passed away my mother didn't like to take trips to Houston and other cities and have people think she might be by herself. All the grandkids liked to play with Jerry. Especially when his head fell off. Just imagine dancing with a headless Jerry.
No thanks!
© 2008 Barry T Horst
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