Coupons are good. Saving is good. Saving $40.00 is even better. One problem though. The $40.00 coupon ended up costing me close to $20.00. Go figure! I guess coupons are just like that.My $40.00 coupons for the digital-to-analog converter box came in yesterday. It was really interesting. They actually look like credit cards; although they take great pains to stress that they are not credit, debit, or gift cards and you can not get cash for them. The card comes with a list of qualifying converters and the locations and names of local stores where the consumer can purchase the boxes. I did some checking and I found that most boxes cost $59.95 and the coupon is for $40.00. I did find boxes at Wal-Mart though that cost $52.97 and $49.87. I endedup getting mine at Radio Shack. I had to get a cell phone charger for the truck anyway and thought that I would "kill two birds with one stone", so to speak. I could have gone to Best Buy or Circuit City also. The converter box at Best Buy was the store brand, Insignia. The others I looked at were Magnavox, RCA, Zenith, and DigitalStream.Important note: The receipt from Radio Shack reminds you that if you return the box you can't get the full amount back; only the actual amount you paid. Tough luck if you buy one and then don't like it and want to get a different brand.© 2008 Barry T Horst
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