This picture was taken in 2005. This is Molly our Black Lab that passed away and Mr. Puss. They are enjoying a rest together. At this time Molly was having trouble with her eyesight. Whenever I took her outside I had to carry her down the steps and then carry her back up later.
Peanut taking a snooze on the router. I know she liked it but I can't imagine using this for a pillow. She also likes to sleep on the cable box. I have had to move it in order to discourage her from sleeping on it. I know she probably likes the warmth; but gee, she sure makes it hard to use the remote.
Puddin' enjoys the warmth of the sun streaming in through the window. She also likes to curl up in the linen closet among the towels.
No, I don't have a bear! This is one of the Baylor Bear mascots. This was taken at the 2007 Homecoming Parade.
This is Puppy. She really isn't a puppy. She is around 4 years old but I've called her Puppy all along and you know what they say, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks!" Her real name is Tiger Lily. The name came from Peter Pan.
This doesn't happen often. All six cats on the bed at once. I guess their union calls for a uniform rest and relaxation break.

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