Friday, December 28, 2007

Where's My Schedule? I Think I'm Running Late

As I mentioned in yesterday's post, holidays give me a lot of spare time. Therefore, I can get a lot of my backlogged "need to do's" taken care of. Well, holidays are also great for getting your internal out of sync. Way out of sync. The same has happened to me or my internal clock, as the case may be.

I generally get up at 4:00 AM to Blog, then I get ready for work, and have breakfast. I arrive at work between 6:45 and 6:55 AM daily. Once at school my schedule is set by the school day. After school I return home; generally no later than 4:30 PM. I may run a few errands on the way home. I will do a few things around the house, do school work, etc. Bedtime is between 9:00 and 10:00 PM. Then we start all over again the next morning. Weekends are not very different. The only exception is I don't go to work. I will do small projects around the house and perhaps run some errands with Chris.

But the holidays!!! I am not sure how it happens or when it exactly occurs. It may be that in the way back, deep, dark recesses of my mind I think (Yes, I do think occasionally!); anyway, I think, "I don't have to go to work tomorrow. Maybe I will stay up a few minutes later!" Perhaps I unknowingly think that if I maybe sleep a few minutes longer the next morning I will catch up staying up later! Who knows?

All I know is that it doesn't work. It just gets worse and worse. Presently, I seem to be going to bed around midnight and getting up at 6:00 AM and having a short nap thrown into the mix during the mid-afternoon. By my calculations, if I return to work on January 7, 2008 I should be going to bed around 3:00 AM. Something has got to change before then. It will. As usual, I will start a few days before the holidays end and will force myself back to bed "early" so I can start rising on time at 4:00 AM. Ahhh!! It will be nice to get back into the normal routine.

I will be on time for school and life will be grand. Until, Spring Break. And don't even get me started on Summer. Summer really throws a monkey wrench into the mix.

Before I leave today, I wanted to mention a web-site. I have been helping a friend develop her website. The web-site is for The Cedar Chest Antique Mall. I would appreciate it if you could visit the website and give it a look. I have also added a link to the web-site under My Favorite Links on the sidebar of the Blog. See it? It's right there, on the left hand side.

© 2007 Barry T Horst
Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a
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