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Things that occur in my world; or maybe just in my mind, that may or may not be of interest to you. Sometimes these thoughts revolve around my perception of the world; sometimes not. I just try to have fun and enjoy my time. Welcome to my world as I perceive it. An added plus is that I will share my Notgeld Collection occasionally.
Oh, I guess I should share my 5 or 7 things. Let me think for a few moments. (Tapping head, rubbing chin, thinking--I teach kindergarten you know!)
1. I really like music from the big band era. You know the stuff of Benny Goodman and Glenn Miller.
2. When I was much younger I would do things just to see what would happen. For instance, if you hit a bullet with a hammer it explodes. (The bullet, not the hammer.) Matches dropped into a gasoline container generally go out before they drop into the can. (State Farm and the Waco Fire Department are certainly glad of that.) And gunpowder from Black Cat Firecrackers makes a dandy explosive when packed into small glass tubes. (Great for making holes in the driveway.)
3. I love Braunschweiger. Some of you may know and love it as Liver Sausage. Yum yum!
4. I learned a lot in the 3rd grade. For instance, if you chew on the end of a Bic pen the ink comes out in your mouth. The ink tastes terrible. Also, the ink doesn't wash out at the water fountain. I thought you might want to know that.
5. I love mustard and saurkraut. Not necessarily together unless it's on Reuben sandwich.
I better stop there. I might get in trouble if I divulge much else. Besides, I think my second item could count for 2 or 3 individual items.
Oh, I just remembered something else. If you hit a hard drive with a screwdriver while it is accessing information the heads will clatter and they don't stop until you unplug it. Also the computer doesn't recognize the hard drive anymore. Go figure! (Shrugging shoulders!)
I'll tag my brother and his blog on the L & P Home Web Site.
My sister, Michal Ann, was a majorette when she was in junior high. She attended University Junior High. Their mascot was the Indians.
I remember her practicing all the time at the house. In the picture, below left, she is practicing twirling with Sandra Cranfill (left) and Lana Morris (center). Michal is of course on the right. The other picture shows Michal preparing to march in a parade. These three pictures were all taken in the early 1960's. Michal played the flute in the band. She also twirled in high school and then was cheerleader in college.The picture above is Michal and my brother Lance. It was taken in the spring of 1957.
"Isn't she a doll?"
© 2008 Barry T Horst
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Here are the latest pictures from the garden. The top two are gazanias. They are beautiful during the day. They close up shop in the evening and go to bed on ly to open again in the sunlight.
Found a couple of other pictures to post. This picture is another Christmas card picture. I don't know what year. It would have been nice if my parents had dated them. Oh well! There are three angels on this card. There are also three more angels next to the "Season's Greetings".
I was looking at Monday's Waco Tribune-Herald. They had an article in the Sports section about the upcoming series of football games between Baylor and Notre Dame. I have known for some time that colleges plan far in advance for some of their series; especially non-conference contests. But I think the planning for this series of games is a little too far in advance. Look at the date that the paper published; October 6, 20012. I don't imagine I'll go to that game.
This is a picture appears to be my grandfather coming out of his house in Robinson. Doesn't he look jaunty in his hat? That is probably my grandmother behind him.
And here comes my grandfather again. I reckon he went to put his hat up. Or perhaps I have the pictures out of order. Maybe this is the first and then he went back in to get his hat and my grandmother. That works for me.
Both pictures were taken in the early '50's. My grandfather died about 4 months after I was born in 1956.
PS. Thanks anonymous! I think Pam is right and I've changed this post accordingly. Thanks again.
© 2008 Barry T Horst
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
This is another picture of Michal. This is probably when she was at Sam Houston State College. The college changed it's name to Sam Houston State University the year she graduated. Because of the name changed she received two diplomas; one with the name of each school on it. For more history on SHSU click here: SHSU HISTORY.
The pictures above are a few pictures from the mid 1980's. The picture on the left is Janna, Kari, and Meredith playing a game. Jana and Kari are the daughters of Lance and Pam Horst. Meredith is Michal's daughter. In the middle picture Meredith and Scott are sitting on my mother's lap. The picture on the right shows Meredith playing with Scott.
Here is a picture taken in Dickinson. I don't recall the occasion, but it was taken in the early to mid 1990's. Starting from the right we have Scott, Kari, Julie, Meredith, Janna, and my "Big Dogs" back. I don't know what that is on the left. Perhaps a UFO? Perhaps a thumb? I don't really know.
This is Jerry. I don't know who he is related to.
Actually, Jerry was a mannequin that my Mother picked up somewhere. Chris just told me that he came from a JC Penney that was remodeling. Maybe that explains the name, Jerry. She would sit it in her house and take it on trips in her car to make it look like she had someone in the car with her. No, not so she could drive in the HOV lane. After my father passed away my mother didn't like to take trips to Houston and other cities and have people think she might be by herself. All the grandkids liked to play with Jerry. Especially when his head fell off. Just imagine dancing with a headless Jerry.
No thanks!
© 2008 Barry T Horst
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Good rains yesterday brought beautiful flowers today. Enjoy!
I woke up early today. We were planning to go to Ryan's this morning for breakfast and I didn't want to miss it. There were supposed to be bad storms rolling through this morning also. I don't really remember anything other than a few flashes of lightning and crashes of thunder. Chris was showing me the weather and she said that there are supposed to be a lot of storms still. The weather shows 100% chance for rain today.
While I was up I started looking at some You Tube videos. I found this one that fits Julie's new cat, Bristow. It's called the "Mean Cat Video". I hope you enjoy it. I did, even though the music is rap.
A reminder from your friendly moderator: I now have You Tube links on the bottom of my blog page. You can scroll on down and view some videos. I've tried to make sure the videos that are linked to my blog are, shall we say, appropriate. I apologize if something less than tasteful slips through.
© 2008 Barry T Horst
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
The narcissus has started to bloom. Here they are. More to follow as we open up more.
Yeah, it's still a little rough. But remember, a garden is always a work in progress. Pictures will post as the flowers bloom.
© 2008 Barry T Horst
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.