Chris gave me my Valentine's Day gift yesterday evening. I was surprised because earlier she told me that I didn't have to get her anything. She said she hadn't got me anything. Okay. That was fine, I don't really need anything anyway. Back to the story; Chris came in the bedroom last night and announced that she had my present. She gave me a decorative sack with a few small items in it. I looked in it and found a card, 2 small stuffed animals, a small toy, and a bag of sugar-free candy. She told me the card only cost 50 cents and that I could use it too if I wanted to.
A few moments later I gave Chris her Valentine's Day gift. She was as surprised as I was earlier because I had told her earlier that I wasn't going to spend anything for her gift. I gave her a decorative sack with a few small items in it. She looked in it and found a card, 2 small stuffed animals, and a small toy. I kept the sugar-free candy for myself. Chris doesn't like sugar-free candy.
I recycled the card she gave me. We went green for Valentine's this year.
Later, I was looking in one of my tree catalogues. I found a pine tree I liked. I also found an apple tree that looked pretty good. Never found the pineapple tree though.

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