Originally I decided to take a short break for the beginning of the summer, after all I had just finished up another school year. Then things went south from there. There were many things that demanded my attention so I gave them my attention. By the end of the summer I had to prepare for a new school year. Had to leave the blog on the back burner. The school year began and well.....things seemed to go further south. Suffice it to say that it was not a stellar year, but I survived.
Along came last summer and I still had not returned to blog. I suppose other things demanded my time, or at least worked their way into it. Then, in the middle of a carefree summer; horrors, my computer bit the dust. Took awhile to get a replacement and the laptop was just to finicky to deal with. Summer turned into fall and a new computer. I was well into a new school year and things began to get much better at school, but by that time I had discovered Facebook. Yes, Facebook demanded a lot of my time. It seems that the games were a lot more fun. So I spent another year without the blog, but with a lot of Facebook.
The school year ended on a sad note (the death of a co-workers son and the still undecided fate of education funding in the State of Texas). By now I had decided that, for whatever reasons, it would be a good time to return to the blog.
So, here I am. I will try to continue my installments on my Notgeld collection. I will also be sharing assorted videos that I like and the occasional drivel that come up with or happen to find laying about.

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