Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Wednesday Night TV: "Watch Mr. Wizard" (1954)

I remember watching these when I was a wee little lad. I suppose some of these shows are the reason that I took such an interest in science. This led to experimenting with my brother's chemistry set. Wow, all of those wonderful chemicals. They were begging to be mixed together. So.......I mixed them together and came up with the best looking purple a kid had ever seen. Better yet, using the scientific method (translate this as "best guess") I concluded that it was also the best spider killer ever devised by man; or so I thought. I know this because I threw the mixture on a spider that was crawling on the brand new white aluminum siding of our house at the time. It didn't kill the spider, but gee.....that sure was a pretty purple! Unfortunately, my father did not share my enthusiasm for my new discovery or..........the color.

Fortunately for me, the siding people were just finishing up with their installation and were able to take the newly "decorated" section out and cut-in new pieces. Yay for me! It just goes to show you that 7 - 8 year old boys don't think much past the present. You could say that they live for the moment. You know, that sounds like guys of all ages.

Anyway, so much for my reminiscing and philosophizing. Let's watch the video. It's a classic.

© 2011 Barry T Horst

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