Today's selection comes from
Jerichow, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany and is an expanded version of an
earlier post. Otto von Bismarck was born in
Schönhausen, Saxony-Anhalt. The first 2 specimens today picture an idyllic country scene (presumably in or around Jerichow) and Bismarck on the obverse and his birthplace on the reverse.

The reverse of both the 1 Mark (Above) and the 3 Mark (Below) contain the following quote from Bismarck: "Wenn wir zusammenhalten, werden wir den teufel aus der hölle schlagen" or "
If we stick together, we will beat the devil out of hell." Interesting! Along the bottom of each reverse is the caption: Schloss Schönhausen Bismarcks geburtshaus or Schloss Schönhausen - Bismarck's Birthplace. On the left side of the castle we see printed: "
Dieser gutschein wird von allen kassen des kreises Jerichow II in zahlung genommen und ist." Roughly translated as "This voucher will be taken in payment in Kreises Jerichow for all funds." The right side carries some important information regarding this issue: "GĂĽltig bis zum 1.oktober 1922 Genthin den 1.juli 1921 der kreissausschuss" or "
Valid until October 1, 1922 Genthin District Committee, 1 July 1921."

The reverse of both the 2 Mark (Above) and the 50 Mark (Below) contain the following quote from Bismarck: "
Alle friedensschlĂĽsse in dieser welt sind provisorien. Translated as : "All peace, key in this world are temporary." The reverse also has a picture of three trumpets blowing and a wall tumbling. Below the picture is the Bible verse
Josua 6:20 which reads, "When the trumpets sounded, the people shouted, and at the sound of the trumpet, when the people gave a loud shout, the wall collapsed; so every man charged straight in, and they took the city." The obverse on each specimen contains another idyllic picture.

© 2011 Barry T Horst
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