As many Americans do after Christmas, I hit the stores to make a few returns yesterday morning.
I headed out to JC Penney armed with the items to return and the appropriate receipts. I found a service desk and dutifully waited in line. My turn came and I reported to the register and explained my reasons for being there so bright and early, "My wife asked me to return these. She decided that she didn't want them! Here are the receipts for them. Oh, my daughter changed her mind on this also!"
I gave the clerk 3 fleece throws for $7.99 each and a box of perfume for $19.99 and the receipts for all items. The clerk scanned the first receipt and started to scan the items. I noticed that she seemed to be having some difficulties. My first clue was when she started muttering to herself saying that the computer said I had already returned one of the items.
I thought to myself, "How did I do that? I have it right here with me."
The clerk tried a few more key strokes confident that she could solve the dilemma. No luck.
Next thing I knew she had the PA in hand and I heard, "I need the MOD at the home department register."
The MOD reported promptly and took one look at the register and announced, "You've already taken this back. That's what the computer says."
I said, "I don't think so. I have it here and here's the receipt."
MOD, "Well maybe your wife changed her mind earlier and exchanged it with this receipt for something different!"
I thought to myself, "Then why do I still have the same exact item in my posession that the computer says I've already taken back? If she did that I wouldn't have that item anymore."
The MOD then tells me, "I can return the other items and credit your charge card but you'll need to look for the correct receipt for the other item."
"OK," and the MOD began to credit the returns to my charge card for each item for $7.99 each; which by the way, is the price listed on the receipt. (This fact is very important later on.) I then asked the MOD what I needed to do if I couldn't find the receipt.
He said, "If you can't find the receipt we can credit your charge card for $7.99."
I thought to myself, "Isn't that what I've been trying to do but you won't let me since I don't have the correct receipt?"
Then, being the bold person that I am I asked, "Instead of looking for the receipt at home could you go ahead and credit my account now for $7.99?" I did this while thinking to myself, "Which is what I paid for it earlier, as plainly indicated on the receipt that you have been looking at lo these several minutes!"
The MOD responded, "Sure, as soon as I finish this return!"

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