© 2009 Barry T Horst

This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Things that occur in my world; or maybe just in my mind, that may or may not be of interest to you. Sometimes these thoughts revolve around my perception of the world; sometimes not. I just try to have fun and enjoy my time. Welcome to my world as I perceive it. An added plus is that I will share my Notgeld Collection occasionally.
© 2009 Barry T Horst
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Over the past few weeks they have visited my classroom and have proved to be a great help. One especially trying day Ms. Steele sent several of her students down to work with my students. As it turned out, on that particular day the computer lab was shut down about the time that my class would have gone. I was able to take the 5th grade helpers and pair them with my students. The 5th grade helpers read to them and/or assisted them on the computers. My students have been on the computers enough to log in on their own, but they still need help when a program freezes or unexpectedly shuts down. It must be a hiccup in Java or some other wonder of the technology age. Thanks go out to Jonathan the assistant, Lorenzo, Mary Alice, Karina, Kathya, Raquel, Orabelle, and the others who came to help me out on that day.
On Monday, May4 our class went on a field trip to the zoo. Ms. Steele said if she had known that we were going on that day she could have tried to get their trip to the zoo on the same day. The kindergarten would have really enjoyed going with the 5th grade. They really like it when the bigger kids come down to work with them.
On Friday, some of the 5th graders came to my class to help out again. They assembled some more readers for the class to use. Later they helped out in math. We were doing a data collection activity where we counted the number of times a student could hop on one leg. Mary Alice was especially helpful during this activity. By the way, Mary Alice jumped 350 times on one leg. Kathya recorded Mary Alice as she "smoked" Karina who jumped 288 times.
Later, Mary Alice, Karina, and Kathya helped my students with centers and handwriting before they called it a day and headed back to their class.
On Tuesday of last week Ms. Steele invited me to watch her class as they made their baking soda and vinegar "volcanoes". I went outside with them during my lunch time and they were having a great time. Unfortunately, they were having technical difficulties and the "volcanoes" did not work. They postponed them until Wednesday or Thursday. On the day that they did the "volcanoes" again they worked great. They also inflated some balloons using the trued and true vinegar and baking soda method. Afterwards, we went to my classroom and I did the famous "Instant Snow" experiment. Instant Snow is really sodium polyacrylate, a polymer used for various purposes from diapers to magic tricks. Mary Alice and Jonathon especially like the "snow".
Next week I plan on I plan on letting 5th grade add some hooks to some molecules and see what happens. Maybe we can make some polymer of some sort.
© 2009 Barry T Horst
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
In the first picture Peanut is in the chair on the left. I looks like she is getting ready to surprise Boo and Puss. Peanut is also helpful in keeping the router held in place. Bristow sits on the router while Peanut uses it for a pillow.
I'm not sure who this is. I found it while going through my files and thought it was interesting.
También quiero pedir disculpas ahora si mi español no es muy acertado. Nunca tomó oficialmente español, asà que yo probablemente no será muy buena. Meredith enseña guarderÃa bilingüe en el área de Houston. Tal vez a ella puedan ayudar.
I also want to apologize right now if my Spanish isn't quite right. I never took Spanish formally, so it is kind of hit and miss here. Perhaps Meredith will help out. Meredith teaches Bilingual Kindergarten in the Houston area.
Quiana is ready to get the party started. Meredith takes a break and reads to Quiana and one of the party goers.
Above it looks like Quiana is getting a little help from her cousin with something. You can tell she was excited. Look at her beautiful smile.
Quiana está listo para su tarta. El tema fue parte My Little Pony. HabÃa muchos de maravillosos regalos para Quiana. Quiana recibido muchas bastante vestidos, muñecas, play-Doh y My Little Pony.
It looks like it is cake time and Quiana is ready for her fair share. My Little Pony was the theme of the party. There were lots of wonderful presents for Quiana. A few of the gifts she received were some pretty dresses, dolls, Play-Doh, and My Little Pony.
Lo mejor de todo cateres Ninfa's de la fiesta. Yo entiendo que estos dos señores preparado un magnÃfico comida para los invitados. Ellos prepararon fajitas.
Best of all though, the party was catered by Ninfa's. I understand that these two gentlemen prepared a terrific fajita meal for Quiana and the other party guests.
This is a picture of Janna, one of nieces from Houston She is holding Kira. Kira is Janna's sister's daughter. Kira's mom is Kari. I guess Kari could not go since I didn't see a picture of her. But her husband, Thomas was there to help keep up with Kira.
Esta es una foto de VÃctor y Meredith. VÃctor es el marido de Meredith. Y él es el papá de Quiana. Ambos parecen muy cansado después de la fiesta. Se veÃa como una gran fiesta. Lamento que no hemos podido ir.
The picture above is Victor and Meredith. Victor is Meredith's husband and Quiana's dad. They both look very tired after the party. I can tell that it was a great party and am truly sorry that we were not able to go. While Mom and Dad look tired and relieved to have the happy event over, Quiana and her guest look like they could go on forever.
If you would like to see a complete slide show of the pictures click on the link to my Windows Live page.
As you can tell, I snapped a picture and then the 5th graders suggested that he take it upstairs to Ms. Steele. Later I got to thinking and I remembered that one of my students had found a Giant Leopard Moth on the playground last week. Unfortunately for the moth,the little ones really enjoyed looking at it. I hope he survived long enough to do whatever it is that moths do.
After I came home and looked at the picture I remembered one that I found here at the house a few years ago. For some unknown reason at the time I decided to take a picture of it. Now I know why I did. I needed the picture of it to include with this post today. I think it is a Polyphemus moth but am not quite sure.
HMMMM!!! I thought to myself, "Have I ever posted pictures of all the cats at one time on the blog?"
I then answered myself (Which is very Bad!), "I don't think so!"
So, here we go.
Tabby, also known as "The cat with glowing eyes."
Rory, a cat with attitude. And it's not real good. Just ask the others.
Puss. He's my baby. He's laid back like me. Can't ya tell?
Callie. Another cat with attitude. You can see it in her eyes.
Bristow. Handy to have around in case you need something to sit on top of the router.
Boo. He was working on his Mesmerizing routine when I took this picture.
Peanut. There is no picture of Peanut. She would not cooperate. She's that way.