Then I thought for a few more minutes about the minute that I spent thinking earlier. Then I slept on it.
Here is the result of my minute sleep.
I was thinking of different "minute" items; like Minute Steak, Minute Rice, and Minute Maid.
I looked. It takes 75 minutes to make Minute Steak. ???? I guess Minute Steak sounded better than 75 Minute Steak or 1 hour and 15 Minute Steak.
Minute Rice isn't always a minute. Most of the time it is 5 minute rice. That is unless you're making the Ready To Serve variety in the microwave. In that case it is minute rice; provided you only want to have 1 cup. If you want 2 cups you'll have to settle for 90 second rice.
Then there's Minute Maid. I still can't figure that one out. Just what did this maid do in one minute?
By know my curiosity had been piqued; as well as my hunger. I found some One and a Half Minute Cookies which obviously take longer than one and half minutes to make or cook. It seems they got their name from the fact that one minute and thirty seconds is the ideal time to let the margarine, milk, sugar, and cocoa mixture boil that is required for the recipe.
Then you have the famous Three Minute Cookie. (I don't think they're really famous. I just thought it sounded good.) It takes longer than 3 minutes too. The recipe says "...less than 15 minutes." Imagine the proud hostess when her guests ask the name of her delicious cookies. "Oh those little things? Why they're just Less Than 15 Minute Cookies my dear. They're an old family recipe."
I also found One Minute Cookies, Two-Minute Cookies, and Wedding Dress 30 Minute Cookies. I'm not quite sure where the 30 minutes comes in with that wedding dress.Again no mention of 30 minues anywhere in the recipe. One nice thing is that "the edges of each cookie were nicely browned in five." I suppose Wedding Dress 30 Minute Cookies sounds more "wedding" like or some other such nonsense like that.
The last recipe? You guessed it; Last Minute Cookies. What did you expect; Neiman -Marcus Cookies or something?

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