First, over the past couple of weeks my anti-virus software would freeze in one spot and never complete a scan. It always seemed to freeze when it got to the C:\System Volume Information\tracking.log. Initially, I thought the software was buggy so I picked up another and then a third one after the same thing occurred again. One would think that would be enough to tip someone off that there may be "something" wrong.
Not me boy. It has got to be bigger than that.
So, one day recently it was time to defrag the hard drive. Well the same thing happened, although I don't know if it was the same location since my utility doesn't share such private and intimate information with me.It seems that all I can do now each morning is to check the computer and see if the scan completed. If not, I have to bring up Windows Task Manager and then select the scan from the Processes Tab and end the process. Of course, any time I do this I am warned of the eventual end of the world and all humanity as we now know it. But what can I do? Scan the same file endlessly?
I would sure love to fix this problem. The thing is I have not noticed any deleterious effects on the computer since all of this started and am really in a quandary as to how to take care of it.
© 2008 Barry T Horst

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