Last night I was having the strangest dreams. In one dream I had I was driving along the highways in some unknown large metropolitan city. As I was zooming along I was in one of the right lanes and needed to be in the left lane because I was coming to a split in the highway. I couldn't change lanes because there was someone in the lane I needed in. So I thought to myself, "Stay in this lane and take the next exit and loop around!" So I did just that. That exit came up awful fast on the right but I was able to jerk the car around quick enough to make it.
Then IT happened. You know, that thing that always happens in dreams. That thing that could never happen in real life. That thing that happens because of the Laws of Physics or the Laws of Man or just because it can't happen. I took that exit and began to loop around and then my perspective changed from the driver's to that of someone watching from above. That's when I realized the exit ramp quickly dropped off and became a brick wall inside a large pit full of water. What to do?
Easy! Stop the car and climb the wall of course. After all there were several windows and vents on the wall. So I started to climb. It seemed that the wall just kept getting taller and taller. I made it to some windows. No help, they were just sealed up. I finally made it to a vent. I was able to reach in and tear it out and then miraculously I was able to start tearing bricks down and rip into the duct work and climb down to safety.
Now for a few thoughts on the dream. 1. Why did I stop the car and get out? Couldn't I have just stopped, put the car in reverse and back out? 2. Why did I climb the wall? I can't climb walls. The only explanation I have is that Chris bought our Grandson Jace some new Spiderman underwear yesterday. Maybe Spiderman was on my mind. I promise he was not on my waist. 3. Why did I go down the vent? I'm not quite sure about that because that is where the water was. Oh well, I woke up and was none the worse for wear.
I did like the perspective thing though. Wouldn't it be great if we could really do that?

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