Send Me a Tree. You Can Grow Another!
In this "New Day & Age" we are all supposed to be more environmentally responsible, stewards of our world and such. It would be so much easier if I didn't get so much junk mail. I go to the mailbox, or more precisely, Chris goes to the mailbox because I'm at work. She leaves it for me on the desk and I get home to go through it.I get bills. I can do without them but I understand why I get them.I get ads. Some good, most are a waste of paper. Sometimes I get a circular that has that promising look of "good stuff'. then I open it and what falls out? The ad to order checks, the ad for Senior Citizens to get prescriptions cheap, the ad for the little motorized chairs, the ad to buy a burial plot. Wait a minute. Am I getting that old now?Please say all you get this stuff too!Anyway, I have to stuff my trashcan with it. Then I open the other mail. there's ads in there too. I throw 75% of the contents away before I find the bill. Then the magazines stick all the little cards and inserts in the magazines. I spend another 5 minutes having to rip this stuff out. And let me tell, it seems that Reader's Digest is the worst one. I hate to pick up a magazine and try to look at it with all that inside. Here is where I give a marriage hint. If you can't live with all the inserts and cards in a magazine make sure you tear all of it out BEFORE bedtime. I cannot tell the number of times I have been "stared at" for tending to this little job of mine prior to laying down while Chris is trying to sleep. Not good!All of this waste doesn't include all the store circulars and other stuff that I get and wonder,"Why did I get this??? I don't $5000 for a mattress!" or "Why did I get a catalog for industrial tools" I don't even use the Craftsmen hand tools I have."Then there are credit card offers. I must get 10 of them each week, not to mention the ones for my wife and daughter, and offers for business credit cards. If I took advantage of every offer I would only get more paper in the mail to throw away.And that is the point of all of this verbiage. I have to throw away too much paper. I must have a good size tree flow through the house here every week. This is crazy. Not because someone killed a tree. We can grow more trees. It all the extra work that I have to do, sorting, opening, looking, tearing, shredding, throwing, dumping, carrying. You get the idea. But if the quit this I suppose that this would put many people out of a job; ad people, designers, delivery people, mail delivery, drivers, etc. You know, I would hate to be the cause of this country going into a recession and possibly millions losing their livelihoods, homes, nice cars, and whatever else is important to them. Go ahead, bring that mail on and I'll by golly keep the trash man busy.© 2008 Barry T Horst
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