Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Super Tuesday II Is Over And Am I Glad? YES!

Yesterday was Super Tuesday II in Texas. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama racked up the frequent flyer miles. John McCain did a bit of traveling too. All of that time in Texas and it is still too close to call. I'm extremely glad it's over now. I really got tired of the political commercials, Democratic and Republican Party alike.

It was pretty nice before the campaign focused on Texas. Not many commercials. Then they hit! It was time to focus on Texas and the commercials started. It may be my imagination, but it seems like Barack Obama outspent Hillary Clinton on advertising here in my part of Texas. (I live near W's backyard[In a figurative sense].) In fact, Garrett Lewis, host of The Morning Ritual on KWTX-AM mentioned that Hillary Clinton bought time on all of Waco's Clear Channel radio stations, except KWTX- AM. Barack Obama bought time there and apparently a lot of it, because I heard his ads quite often. You know, it's really strange to be listening to Sean Hannity go to a commercial break and then have Barack Obama telling why he should be president.

There a a few things about the campaign that bugs me. First, I think they're a waste of money and certainly do not influence my decision on who to vote for. I also think it's silly when the candidates try to sell us on their positions and then tell us at the end of the commercial that they, ".... approve of this message." Well DUHH!!!! And finally, the one thing that bugs me the most. After spending a rough primary season, the former back-stabbing foes who lose will now begin to endorse the winners. At least some will.
© 2008 Barry T Horst

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