Now I know why the stack was so big. There must have been 5 or 6 magazines in there. Not catalogues, but magazines. So I decided to do some checking and actually see how many magazines we get.
Well, let me tell you. You would think this is a doctor's waiting room or some other sort of waiting room. I counted at least 17 magazine subscriptions that are current. We only pay for 2 of subscriptions. The others are free.
The magazines I receive are a varied lot. I receive several magazines that are home or decorating themed; such as, Metropolitan Home, Garden & Gun, Elle Decor, Old House Journal, Country Living, and Good Housekeeping. I actually paid for Country Living and Good Housekeeping. I have since found a way to get Good Housekeeping free. I'll tell you about that later.
I also receive several magazines that focus around the technology/hobby theme. They are Sound & Vision, PC Magazine, Popular Photography, Popular Science, and Kit Planes. I suppose related to the hobby theme would be Western Outdoors and Flying.
Since Chris and I grandparents we receive Grand. We receive a magazine from Kraft Foods, Food & Family. We even get Frozen Food Age and World Trade. Go figure!
Remember all of the above subscriptions were free with the exception of Country Living and Good Housekeeping. Here is a partial listing, in no certain order, of other magazines I have received for free in the past: Boating, Woodcraft, Edutopia, Cruise Travel, Skiing, Log Home Living, TV Guide, Log Home Design, and Electronic House. I have probably had more but can't remember them all.
Because we get so many I have let 3 paid subscriptions lapse because I don't have time to read them all. They were good magazines. I think you may have heard of them before; National Geographic, Texas Highways, and Reader's Digest. The only problem I had with them is that they weren't free.
How do I get free magazine subscriptions. Easy. I signed up with This is a web site that offers free business publications and will offer free subscriptions to mainstream magazines also. If I remember correctly Veterans Advantage buys a lot of these as an inducement for their products and services. There is also a website called AdPerks that allows you to watch advertising at your leisure on your computer to earn subscriptions. This is how I got the Popular Science subscription and plan on getting Good Housekeeping this way when the current subscription expires. AdPerk looks like they will be adding several other magazines in the future. Country Living is one they plan to add. Good. That meansd I won't have to pay for any of my magazine subscriptions. Give it a look see. It can't hurt.
I suppose I better go. I think I need to catch up on my reading.
© 2008 Barry T Horst

This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
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