Friday, January 11, 2008

"But Wait! There's More."

Who hasn't seen an infomercial? They seem to be all over TV. Especially late at night. That's when you get to see the full length infomercials. They are the ones that normally show up on the cable guide as "Paid Programming". It's strange to watch one of these. They have commercials during the infomercial. And what are the commercials for? Well they're for the item being sold in the infomercial. That's right; a commercial for the commercial during the commercial.

The father of these commercials/infomercials is Ron Popeil. You remember him. He was on TV in the 60's and 70's selling items ranging from the Ronco Spray Gun to the Inside-The-Shell Scrambler; from the Veg-O-Matic to the Pocket Fisherman. It seemed as if he was everywhere on TV. According to the commercials he had just developed the greatest thing since sliced bread. And we could get it for an unbelievably low sum. "But wait! There's more." Famous words that meant the deal was about to get better. Now tell me. How could the best deal in the world get better? I don't know, but Ron always made it better.

The modern infomercial follows the same strategy. The problem is identified. The solution is given. An example is the Simoniz Scratch Removal Kit. The price is mentioned; $19.95 + $9.95 S&H. And then it begins. The grand giveaway. Not only can you get the advertised product for $19.95 but you will get a free bonus (Just pay $12.95 S&H--Now that says free to me!). Oh the bonus is a "FREE TURBO VAC."

Now even better is the deal you get with Zoorbeez. They will also send you a second Zoorbeez free. I think Billy Mays says it nicely, "Order now and we'll double the offer!" Oh, I forgot. you also get a Micromen Microfiber Duster free. A $60 value for only $14.99 + $11.97 S&H. Give me a break. Who do they think they're fooling?

One of my favorites is the lifetime Infinity Razor infomercial. You can get not one but two lifetime Infinity Razors for $19.95. and they'll throw in an Infinity Micro Trimmer and Infinity Chef Knife.; just pay $19.95 plus the $8.95 shipping. Now why would someone need two lifetime razors?

© 2008 Barry T HorstCreative Commons License This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

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