Our trip down Memory Lane began when Ruth Ann asked about the Christmas candles I had mentioned in an earlier Blog post, the Gurley/Tavern candles. Chris pointed them out and then Chris, Tom, and their Dad began to discuss the various candles that they had when they were younger living in Kansas. They not only had candles for Christmas, but they had some for Spring, Halloween, and Thanksgiving. At about this time I remembered a catalog I had from the Vermont Country Store. I mentioned that our candles were the originals from long ago, but the candles were being made again. Look at the new candles here.
While we were flipping through the catalog, someone asked, "Do you remember Soaky Toys?" They are the old bottles for bubble bath that were made to look like various cartoon characters popular at the time. Chris and Tom both reminisced over the various ones they had and played with. I remember Mr. Bubble. My parents didn't buy bubble bath for me or my brother and sister very often. I suppose they thought it was a waste of money. They did buy shampoo though. For a youngster shampoo made pretty good bubbles. I wonder if it would have been cheaper to buy bubble bath and not have to buy so much shampoo because I was using it for a bubble bath?
While I was still pondering the bubble bath issue someone else started tugging us to a different location on Memory Lane. This was a very dangerous location on Memory Lane. It involved past girlfriends. Just prior to this Tom was relating his memories of going to an early Pro-Bowl at Arrowhead Stadium shortly after it was built. Then it happened. He mentioned having taken a girl to the game. Ruth Ann said that she has heard the story many times but this was the first time she heard the part about the girlfriend. We are beginning to slide down the slope now. Then, someone (Probably his sister Chris) asked Tom just how he knew how many girls he had dated before meeting and marrying Ruth Ann. He simply said he kept a list of their names.
Not content to be sitting on the sidelines I decide to wade in with both feet. Out of the blue I say, "I remember the funniest thing that happened to me on a date." Too late now, I'm committed. They want to hear it now. For a time in high school I worked at The Cinema movie theatre. We could get discount tickets to other theatres in town. There was a new girl that started at the Cinema and I decided I would ask her out for a date. She said yes so on Saturday night we wen to a movie at the 25th Street Theatre. I don' remember what was showing but I do remember what the fellow taking tickets at the door said. He looked at my date and said, "You must have like this movie a lot to come back again tonight!" As I said, I don't remember the movie and I really don't remember the girl.
During this whole episode I look over and Julie has picked up the Tavern Puzzles. You know, they are the metal puzzles (horseshoes, etc.) where you have to take off a ring or some such object and it looks near impossible to do. It is possible with a great deal of patience. Julie had involved her self with trying to solve the puzzles and then all of us get into the act. At that point Memory lane was left behind. I guess you could say it was just a memory. We were now busy making new memories with the puzzles. Undoubtedly, Julie will relate these memories to her children many years from now.
More memories later. I have to go make a few more for the future.
© 2007 Barry T Horst

This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
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