Whenever the weather gets cold and wet like it is today, soup just sounds good for supper. Sooo, this evening I proceeded to make some soup. I headed to the kitchen and gathered the various and sundry items required to prepare a meal fit for....well, an ordinary sort of guy like me. First, I took the pan and added a goodly amount of water; and while I was at it, I added some diced tomatoes. Having completed this task, I needed to wait for this to heat up before I could move to the next stage of preparation. I waited. And I waited. And then I waited some more. After several minutes time and having noticed that the water was not heated and why it was not heated, I asked Chris, "Do you think this will heat faster if I turn the burner on?" She said that she thought it might and then assured me that she didn't think I should count on solar heat to work today. "Thanks!" I turned on the burner. It is really amazing how much better things like that work when you turn them on. Having accomplished the highly technical aspect of turning the burner on, I was able to finish preparing the soup. It was great and I will have plenty for leftovers tomorrow.
Making plans for the weather tomorrow....Since it is supposed to freeze tomorrow night I have to figure out what to do with the flowers in the garden. I imagine it will come down to moving, covering, and bringing inside. I have several flowers that have survived from last fall. Among these flowers are chrysanthemums, gazanias, dianthus, geraniums, and others. This will have to be done during the "big blow" tomorrow. I can hardly wait. It is so much fun covering the plants with old bedsheets in a gale force wind. It is almost like trying to put the sheets on the bed and having the cats think you are playing a new game with them (Shameless reference to yesterdays post).
Later, and obviously before I posted, I worked on my flower seeds. I saved seeds from many of the flowers in my garden. I harvested the seed heads and then let them dry out. Afterwards, I got the seeds and stored them in envelopes to keep until next season. The other day I had a "brainstorm". Well maybe just a little "brain hiccup"! I said to myself, "Self, wouldn't it be great if you could re-use the little bottles from the pharmacy that your prescriptions come in?" After all, every one keeps the little bottles from the pharmacy that your prescriptions come in because there will certainly be a need for little bottles from the pharmacy that your prescriptions come in in the near or far distant future. So, I cleaned some little bottles from the pharmacy that your prescriptions come in and proceeded to transfer seeds from envelopes to the little bottles from the pharmacy that your prescriptions come in. I had French marigold, regular marigold, zinnia, dianthus, snapdragon, and broom corn. I still have several types of sunflower seeds to store.
Posting through the weekend.
© 2007 Barry T Horst

This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
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